Hiroshima Club New Year Party
On Saturday January 27th, Seattle Hiroshima Club held their New Year celebration luncheon at Joyale Seafood Restaurant in Seattle’s International District. To celebrate the New Year, the program included the full course Chinese luncheon, traditional Japanese dance, sing-along, prize giveaways to winners of Bingo Games and more.
During the program, two high school seniors from Club member families received 2018 Hiroshima Club Scholarships. The two outstanding students were Emily Ko and Emi Olson. Emily, granddaughter of Jim and Tomiko Tsujihara Zumoto, is a student at Issaquah High School, and plans to major in civil engineering after her graduation this year. Emi, granddaughter of Hirokuni Moriyasu, is a student at Mercer Island High School and plans to study at Lewis and Clark University with a possible major in psychology. This scholarship program started in 1964 to support children of active and contributing members pursuing higher education.
Fukushima New Year Lunch
On Sunday January 21st, Seattle Fukushima Club hosted their New Year celebration luncheon at Terry’s Kitchen in Bellevue. Over fifty members and guests enjoyed the gathering. Dana Mar, a member of the club, made a presentation about her visit to Fukushima with members of Hawaii Fukushima Club members.

In the next issue, we will report Kumamoto Kenjin Kai Annual New Year Party and Shizuoka Kenjin Club 2018 Annual New Year Celebration Dinner.