By N.A.P Retrieved from Seattle Buddhist Church press release
On Saturday, April 20, Seattle EcoSangha will present a seminar, In Touch With the Earth, on the environment from a Buddhist perspective featuring three insightful speakers at Seattle Buddhist Church (1427 Main St, Seattle). The program will include acclaimed author and scholar, Professor Duncan Ryūken Williams, whose new tome, American Sutra: The Story of Faith and Freedom in the Second World War, has garnered much critical praise. Dr. Williams’ topic will be “Satoyama: A Japanese and Buddhist Lens on Environmental Issues.” Speaker Dr. Jason Wirth, Professor of Buddhism and World Philosophy at Seattle University, ordained Sōtō Zen priest and founder of Seattle University EcoSangha, will present a talk entitled “When is Enough? EcoSangha Rising.” Rounding out the speaker list is Reverend Donald Castro, Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Minister of Seattle Buddhist Church and founder of EcoSangha. His topic is “EcoSangha: The History, Vision and Hope for the Future.” In addition, George Draffan of the Northwest Dharma Association ( will facilitate a lively afternoon panel of speakers and group discussion. Info: