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Tacoma Buddhist Temple Sukiyaki Fundraiser
Tacoma Buddhist Temple 1717 S. Fawcett Ave., TacomaAnnual fundraiser features our flavorful beef or vegetarian sukiyaki cooked in special sukiyaki pans, plus our tender chicken teriyaki. Meals include a mochi cupcake, rice and tsukemono. Temple members prepare the dishes using recipes perfected over the decades. Meals must be pre-ordered by Feb. 22 and picked up or eaten at the temple at the […]
Executive Director Job Position Opening
The Seattle Chinatown-International District Business Improvement Area (CIDBIA) is searching for a new Executive Director. Applications for this leadership role are open until February 14, 2025. The new Executive Director will play a key role in guiding the CIDBIA through a period of revitalization, comunity engagement, and strategic growth. See: or contact
Latin America and Left-Wing Politics in Post-ANPO Japanese Literature
University of Washington Thomson Hall 317 Thomson Hall 317, SeattleThe 1959 and 1960 protests in Japan against the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty (ANPO) reflected public discontent with military alliances and foreign influence, as well as a desire for national autonomy and peace after World War II. Within this context, many Japanese intellectuals drew connections between their struggles and those of marginalized groups worldwide, incorporating themes […]
PSP 1404 140th Pl NE, WA 9800, Bellevue,初心者向け!ゼロからウェブサイトを作れる全5回シリーズの無料ワークショップを開催します。「ウェブサイトを作りたいけど、どうすればいいかわからない」と感じている方に最適!このワークショップでは、ゼロから始めて、最終的に自分だけのウェブサイトを作成できるようになります。独学より効率的で、理解しやすい内容で学べます。講師はウェブ制作のプロフェッショナル【PSPINC】が担当。知識がなくても安心して参加でき、実際に手を動かしながらウェブサイト制作の楽しさを体験できます!
Yuko Mabuchi single release
Announcing the release of my new single “ETHEREAL” on February 14th on SRG Jazz/Virgin Music Group. “ETHEREAL,” (a Jeff Lorber composition) will be featured on my upcoming album, “QUANTUM.” Yuko Mabuchi is a rising star on the music horizon. Her high-energy performance is captivating and extremely entertaining, embodying the spirit of jazz and the power […]
Urban ArtWorks – Mural Apprentice Program
Urban ArtWorks offers the Mural Apprentice Program; an arts-based employment training program for teens who face barriers to the arts, education, and employment. Over each eight-week session, apprentices work alongside professional teaching artists to learn basic art skills, research, design, and install public art throughout King County, WA. In addition to honing their painting skills, […]
Seattle Festival Orchestra presents: Echoes of the East
Town Hall Seattle 1119 8th Ave, SeattleExperience the vibrant cultures of East Asia in Echoes of the East, a mesmerizing journey through music. Gustav Holst's enchanting Japanese Suite and Bao Yuan-Kai's evocative Sketches of Taiwan will paint vivid soundscapes of Eastern traditions, and the program will conclude with the timeless elegance of Felix Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto, performed by rising local phenom […]
June Kuramoto with Kimo Cornwell of Hiroshima (Show #2)
Terry's Kitchen 5625 119th Ave SE, BellevueSECOND SHOW DATE LISTING
2nd Global Summit on Polymer Science and Composite Materials (GSPSCM2025)
Apex Global Meetings is excited to welcome participants worldwide to the "2nd Global Summit on Polymer Science and Composite Materials" (GSPSCM2025) in Osaka, Japan from May 12-14, 2025. The conference centers on integrating vital techniques in Polymer Science and Composite Materials, fostering collaboration between distinguished academics and emerging researchers to tackle complex multidisciplinary challenges. This […]