Tea Ceremony: Introduction to Chanoyu, Fri., Jul. 5, 1 p.m. – 3:40 p.m.
at Seattle Japanese Garden, 1075 E Lk Washington Blvd, Seattle. https://www.seattlejapanesegarden.org/events-calendar/2024/6/22/chaboshu.
Seattle Zine Fest, Sun., Jul. 7, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. at 420 – 15th Ave E, Seattle. It is a FREE one-day celebration of zines and DIY culture. Relish in the local indie publishing and distribution. Zine tables with 60+ local artists, a make-your-own-zine workshop, a zine library, and more! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/seattle-zine-fest-2024-tickets-919137012547.
Tanabata Star Festival at the Seattle Japanese Garden, Sat., Jul. 6th – Sun., Jul. 7th. Need volunteer help. Some of the positions start as early as Tues., Jul. 2nd to prepare origami ornaments. Need help with: origami prep, bamboo decoration, Tanabata station, and garden monitor. See: https://app.initlive.com/web-admin/app/#/join-party?k=83lbrsupjk7rko or contact: Yukari Yamano at: yyamano@arboretumfoundation.org .
Learn more about the event at: https://www.seattlejapanesegarden.org/events-calendar/2024/7/6-7/tanabata.
When It’s Time to Consider Assisted Living, Thu., Jul. 11th, 1;30 – 3:30 p.m., Nikkei Manor, 700 Sixth Ave., S, Seattle. Kokoro Kai’s Conversation Cafe series: Join us for a seminar from Nikkei Manor’s Marketing and Sales Director Thomas Papastavrou. It is a conversation with peers and bento! RSVP to Tomoko Faasuamalie 206-726-6474 or tfaasuamalie@keironw.org.
92 nd Bon Odori (Japanese folk dance), Sat.-Sun., Jul. 20-21st, 2 – 8 p.m. at Betsuin Buddhist Temple, 1427 S Main St, Seattle. https://seattlebetsuin.com/2024-obon.
White River Buddhist Temple Bon Odori, Jul. 27th , 4 – 9 p.m., 3625 Auburn Way N, Auburn. Dancing, taiko, performances, food booths, beer garden. For more information, see: https://www.wrbt.org.
Bon Odori Summer Festival, Sun., Jul. 28th, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., Nikkei Manor, 700 Sixth Ave. S., Seattle. Local Japanese food vendor, Ayame Kai crafters, local artisans, small businesses, Asian-focused community organizations, and more! Join us for taiko drums, dancing, and other live music performances! Bake sale with proceeds benefiting Nikkei’s Employee Fund. Free event. Street parking only. Calling all dance lovers and home-bakers! If you would like to dance with us in a yukata and/or contribute to our bake sale, please contact Itsuko Simpson at: isimpson@keironw.org.