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Bunka no Hi | 文化の日
November 4, 2023 @ 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Bunka no Hi (Japanese Culture Day) is a holiday in Japan celebrating Japanese culture. At the JCCCW, Bunka no Hi is a free-to-attend cultural festival dedicated to celebrating, commemorating, and educating the public about Japanese and Japanese American culture in the Seattle area.
The theme of this year’s Bunka no Hi festival will be “Explore Cultural Art through Japanese Language!” Discover Japan’s unique forms of art and expression with activities like haiku poetry and calligraphy, as well as live performances of kamishibai and recorded performances of rakugo storytelling. Look forward to presentations of other cultural arts as well, including karate, taiko drumming, classical dance, and much more! We have a special guest this year — Lori Matsukawa, Emmy-award winning journalist and founding member of the Nikkei Heritage Association of Washington (NHAW). Matsukawa will have a reading and signing event for her new children’s book, ‘Brave, Mrs. Sato’. The Hosekibako Japanese Resale Shop located on-site will also be open during the event.
*Please check our website for more information as the event approaches.
We are looking for volunteers to help with preparations, as well as on the day of the event. The sign-up form is expected to become available in early October at so please check back for more details!
日時:2023年11月4日(土) | 午前11時~午後5時
場所:ワシントン州日本文化会館(JCCCW), 1414 S Weller St., Seattle, WA 98144
内容: 当文化会館では、日本や日系アメリカ人の文化などを広く知っていただくための催しとして、毎年11月に「文化の日」(入場無料)を開催しています。今年のテーマは「言葉で探ろう日本の文化」で、俳句や書道、紙芝居、落語(動画上映)など、日本ならではの表現手法をご紹介します。実演は、空手などの武道、太鼓、日本舞踊などを予定しています。また特別ゲストとして、当会館の創立メンバーであるローリー・マツカワによる書籍「ブレイブ・ミセス・サトウ」(今秋発売)の朗読とサイン会も開催!日本の物専門の再販店「宝石箱」もイベント中、営業します。