Home Community Kagoshima Kenjinkai Enters New Era

Kagoshima Kenjinkai Enters New Era

By Mimi Shiraki
NAP Contributor

With the passage of 117 years since its start, the Kagoshima Kenjinkai enters a new era this year under the leadership of its 15th president, Krystal Sakagami
The Kagoshima Kenjinkai began the New Year with a vibrant Shinnenkai at the Tukwila Community Center, with the background of nature in early April.

With the delicious food, guest speakers, entertainments, games and lots of chatting among members, the party united the group. This party paid tribute to the previous president, who served for 34 past years.

New president Krystal Sakagami said it’s disheartening to encounter the Kagoshima Kenjinkai membership dwindling, affecting both its members. Many long-standing members have aged out or passed away, resulting in a smaller group. Yet, there’s a renewed effort to welcome anyone interested in Kagoshima culture, especially the younger generation, to join the club. When this club was started, it was originally to support newcomers from Kyushu and Kagoshima settling in Seattle; the Kenjinkai has evolved from a support network to a social group. Now, their focus is on preserving and sharing Kagoshima’s culture open for anyone while fostering a sense of community among members. Activities like visiting older people, assisting families, and connecting with like-minded individuals through events are part of this effort. With the decline of many Kenjinkai or their merging with others, there’s a desire to maintain the identity of the Kagoshima Kenjinkai as a separate entity and becoming a non-profit organization soon.

The club actively would like to participate in Japanese community events, showcasing its culture primarily through food in the future. Kagoshima Kenjinkai welcomes new members and hopes to see you in upcoming events, including a picnic at Gene Coulon Park on 9/1 and a Bonenkai celebration in December.