By The North American Post Staff
While President Donald Trump began his first phase of the presidency, tens of thousands joined the “Women’s March” and other rallies to express their strong concerns around the nation last Saturday. Reactions to his new policies have been reported everyday through local media.
After President Trump’s inauguration, Nikkei politicians also released statements sharing their concerns about his presidency.
“I attended today’s inauguration out of respect for our democracy, our institutions, and the peaceful transition of power, but remain deeply concerned about President Trump’s vision for America,” stated U.S. Senator Mazie Hirono, who attended the inauguration ceremony last Friday.
“I will resist any attempt the President makes to dismantle the progress we’ve made to increase health care access, protect immigrants and working families, and expand civil rights.”
“I was deeply disappointed by President Trump’s inaugural address,” U.S. House Representative Matsui also stated. “Rather than provide a positive vision for working together, President Trump put up more walls. Instead of laying out an economic agenda for the American people, President Trump amplified the contentious and baseless rhetoric that we have come to expect from him. During a moment when our country was seeking hope, President Trump touted cynicism. The American people deserve better than what was delivered today.”
After President Trump signed an executive order on immigration on Wednesday, Seattle Mayor also issued a following statement to criticize the action.
“Today is one of the worst days for immigrants in America since Japanese internment,” he said.