Akiko Kusunose was born in Fukuoka Prefecture, Kyushu, and graduated from the Kyushu University Department of Law. She served as editor-in-chief of the NAP for 11 years from 1988 to 1999. She received an Excellent Article Award from the Overseas Japanese Newspaper Association in 1993. She wrote the booklet, "History of Nikkei in Washington State" (Consulate-General of Japan in Seattle, 2000).
Akiko Kusunose was born in Fukuoka Prefecture, Kyushu, and graduated from the Kyushu University Department of Law. She served as editor-in-chief of the NAP for 11 years from 1988 to 1999. She received an Excellent Article Award from the Overseas Japanese Newspaper Association in 1993. She wrote the booklet, "History of Nikkei in Washington State" (Consulate-General of Japan in Seattle, 2000).