Shokichi Shox Tokita
“Shox” Tokita is a retired career U.S. Air Force navigator and Vietnam veteran who enjoys working out regularly, like playing pickle ball, when gathering in gyms is allowed. His present plans include submitting articles periodically to the NAP, for which he retains “a soft spot.”
TOKITA TALES Rice Krispies for Christmas
The Seattle Area 〜TOKITA TALES
You’re Kidding — A Military Career? 〜 TOKITA TALES
Papa was a Samurai Warrior! Part 2〜TOKITA TALES
Papa Was a Samurai Warrior! Part 1〜TOKITA TALES
Losing a True and Trusted Friend〜TOKITA TALES
TOKITA TALES : A Dream Deferred, A Dream Fulfilled
TOKITA TALES : Japanese Family Protocols
TOKITA TALES Mom Was Young Once, Too!