Home Community “The Last Bugle” 442nd Infantry Video Series

“The Last Bugle” 442nd Infantry Video Series

A scene from “The Last Bugle” pilot episode.


“The Last Bugle” is the first web-based video series based on the World War II Japanese American 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Now in production, the series is inspired by the 1960s television series “Combat” and Steven Spielberg’s film “Saving Private Ryan.” It follows a fictional platoon of JA soldiers through its Italy campaign, 1944 – 1945. A web series is like a TV series on the internet with short episodes. 

The pilot episode has been released on Vimeo. It shows that the director, San Jose-based Sansei Burt Takeuchi, has a nuanced understanding of the 442nd story.

The current goals are to grow a larger fan base, raise funds, and develop the project into a successful series. With a larger fan base and increased donations, more ambitious episodes could be produced. More realistic costumes, props, and vehicles could be obtained for future projects. Larger battle scenes could be staged.

Takeuchi previously made “Valor with Honor” (2010, 1 hr. 25 min.) a documentary on the 442nd RCT. He was then profiled on Discover Nikkei (discovernikkei.org).

The 442nd “Nisei” Regimental Combat Team (3500 men and officers) is the most decorated American unit in US military history for its size and length of service. In WWII, the unit was awarded seven Presidential Unit Citations, over 500 Silver Stars and 21 Medals of Honor. All JA veterans who served in WWII with the 442nd, the related 100th Battalion and the separate Military Intelligence Service (MIS) were awarded the Congressional Gold Medal by President Obama in 2010.

Info: “The Last Bugle,” Pilot Episode, vimeo.com (7 min.)
Donations may be made by PayPal or by check.
PayPal link: thelastbugle442nd.com
Checks can be sent to: Burt Takeuchi, PO Box 640831, San Jose, CA 95164
Twitter: @BurtTakeuchi

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