The King County Fire Chiefs Association will host its first semi-annual Diversity and Recruitment Workshop on Saturday, December 11. Fire departments across the county are seeking qualified candidates with diverse backgrounds who may be interested in becoming firefighters but are unsure of how the hiring process works. Attendees of this workshop will learn about the benefits of a fire service career as well as how to navigate the complex hiring process. They will also have a chance to meet with mentors.
The workshop is open to anyone at least 16, and will be geared towards recruiting members of the BIPOC and limited English speaking communities, women, LGTBQIA+, and those with no prior fire service experience. The goal is to bring diverse applicants to fire departments who may serve as future firefighters in King County.
King County Fire Chiefs Association
Recruitment and Diversity Workshop
Dec 11, Bellevue, 8:15 AM-2:30 PM (Registration deadline: Nov 25)