By Ann Niklasson
NAP Contributor
The FX/Hulu series Shogun shatters the single-season Emmy record with 18 wins — including Lead Actor in a Drama Series for Hiroyuki Sanada, and Lead Actress in a Drama Series for Anna Sawai (the first ever for a Japanese actress). The show also took home the trophy for Best Drama Series! Here are some Shogun-related books:

A definitive treatise on mortal combat from one of Japan’s most formidable warriors—the martial arts luminary Miyamoto Musashi. This classic interpretation of Miyamoto Musashi’s famous Book of Five Rings is explicitly intended for the martial artist—as Miyamoto Musashi originally intended. https://www.amazon.com/Musashis-Book-Five-Rings-Interpretation/dp/0804835209

The entire fascinating story of Japan told in one excitingmanga-style volume! A History of Japan in Manga tells the action-packed saga of Japan from itsmisty origins up to the present day. Epic battles, noble Samurai andduplicitous leaders are all portrayed in modern manga fashion! https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/Shunichiro-Kanaya/dp/4805316705

The comprehensive and accurate edition of the Hagakure isa must-have for serious martial artists or fans of samurai and the bushidocode. The Hagakure is one of the mostinfluential of all Japanese texts—written nearly 300 years ago by Yamamoto Tsunetomo to summarize the very essence of the Japanese Samurai bushido (“warrior”) spirit. https://www.amazon.com/Hagakure-Secret-Samurai-Yamamoto-Tsunetomo/dp/4805311983