Home Community North American Post Looking for Fundraising Help

North American Post Looking for Fundraising Help

By Bruce Rutledge
NAP General Manager

The North American Post (NAP) turned 122 years old this year. That is a pretty amazing run for a community newspaper. During its long history, NAP has delivered relevant news for the Japanese American community and funded its efforts through a combination of subscriptions (thank you!) and advertisements (thank you again!). While these are and will remain integral parts of our business, we also realize that the 21st century poses unique challenges for our industry, and those sources alone may not be enough to keep us going.

That is why the paper is looking to hire someone who can help with grant writing and fundraising in general. We are looking for someone with experience raising money for worthy causes and with desire to brainstorm ideas and approaches with us. Knowledge of the Japanese American community in the Pacific Northwes is a plus.

If you would like to help on a full, part-time or even volunteer basis, please reach out to me at bruce@napost.com. Please include a resume , a good number and time for a callback.