2021 Seijin-Shiki, January 17
Seijin-shiki is the annual, formal Japanese coming-of-age ceremony for those who have turned 20, the start of adulthood in Japan. The first Seattle-area Seijin-shiki event was held in 2020 at Bellevue College. In 2021, the event will be held online.

Not mere kimono pageantry, Seijin-shiki is an occasion for receiving inspiring words from “senpai,” older brothers and sisters. The lineup of speakers for this year includes Naoko Yamazaki, 2010 astronaut; Dr. Takashi Saito, infectious disease specialist; Kanako Spendlove, synchronized swimming medalist in the 2004 Olympics; and Ai Morita, Civil Affairs officer, United Nations. There will also be performances by Nick and Zack Gallagher, professional kendama (wooden
cup and ball) players, and by Furmata, a UW acapella group.
The event will be livestreamed on YouTube for interested viewers.
Further details, especially for those who want to participate actively, are online. The requirements are that your birthdate falls between January 1999 and March 2001 and that you live in the United States or Japan. As of January 10, the first-200 registration limit was still open.
2021 Seijin Ceremony
Sunday, January 17, YouTube, 3-4 p.m.