Original Issue Date: Dec. 24, 1975
Translated by Akari Terouchi
The North American Post
Seattle Japanese Gardeners Association hosted its annual gathering at Kinkeirou Restaurant at 6 p.m. on Jan.14 joined by many members. Former president John Kanetomi announced new president Mitsuru Takahashi, and also other officers and honorary members were introduced.
Followed by honorary member Giichiro Mizuki’s toast, members enjoyed chatting, drinking, eating salmon dinner served by Westboat Boathouse and watching a film featuring tuna fishing.
New officers are as follows:
President: Mitsuru Takahashi
Vice president: K. Mochizuki
Secretary: Masao Sakagami
Communication secretary:
Tam Takamura, Joan Suzaka
Treasurer: Mike Ohashi
Honorary employees:
Giichiro Mizuki, Kamejiro Shioyama, Masato Uyeda, Harry Takeuchi and Joe Kawamura