Home Community Seattle Betsuin New Year’s Party Smash!

Seattle Betsuin New Year’s Party Smash!

By Satoru Ichikawa For the North American Post

The Seattle Betsuin New Year’s Party was held on Sunday, and the auditorium was filled to capacity with members, guests and community representatives. The event included the installation of new church officers and various affiliated organizations of the temple while Rev. Don Castro administered the oath of office. Alan Hoshino is the new Temple President for 2016-2017.

Members 80 years and over were honored as Ritsuko Kawahara, kitchen chairperson, was given a special recognition plaque for her many years of service preparing menus for various church functions.

After lunch, entertainment followed with the loud beats of the Matsuri Taiko Drums, Seattle Betsuin Ukulele Band, the Betsuin Choir and other performers.

シアトル別院仏教会の恒例の新年会が10日、会館体育館で開かれた。会員、家族関係者に加え、 地元日系団体の代表者が出席。会場は満員の賑わいを見せた。昼食後には教会所属の太鼓団、ウ クレレグループ、合唱団などによる舞台演奏が披露され、ラッフル抽選などで盛り上がりを見せた。 80歳以上の高齢者が表彰されたほか、長年にわたりイベントなどで食事班長として婦人会ら裏方 を支えてきた川原律子さんが讃えられた。新たな会員役員も紹介され、2016年の始まりを祝う にふさわしいイベントとなった。   (英文記事、写真提供 = サトル・イチカワ)

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