Home Community Local Japanese Religionists Start up Association in 1975

Local Japanese Religionists Start up Association in 1975

Original Issue Date: Aug. 11, 1975

Translated by Yuka Takeda

The North American Post

In this scientific and materialistic era, Japanese religionists in Seattle, who have been seeking humanity’s essential suffering and trying to solve as many problems as they can in the Japanese American community, launched the Seattle Japanese Religionist Association.

To start, the group will promote the exchange of views between different religions, research of scholarly doctrines and also create more interaction within the Japanese American community.

The first meeting was very productive after attendees shared various standpoints of Christianity, Shinto and Buddhism.

The attending religionists included Rev. Miyachi of the Seattle Betsuin, Mr. and Mrs. Hirai of Tenrikyo, Rev. Yuasa of Konko Church and his wife, Rev. Miyake of Methodist Church, Rimban Oi of Seattle Betsuin, Mr. Taniguchi of Seicho no Ie, Rev. Matsuda of Nichiren Buddhist Church, Rev. Noji of Presbyterian Church, Rev. Yakumo of Seattle Betsuin and a representative from Rissho Kosei Kai.

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The North American Post is a community newspaper that celebrates Japanese culture in the Greater Seattle area. Founded by 1st generation Japanese-Americans in 1902, the publication is one of the oldest minority-owned newspapers in the region. Today, with bilingual articles in English and Japanese, the publication connects readers with diverse cultural backgrounds to Seattle’s Japanese community. Our articles include local news, event calendars, restaurant reviews, Japanese cooking recipes, community interviews, and more.