Home classifieds


Place your classified ads in the North America Post and/or Soy Source.

North American Post has been serving for the Seattle’s Japanese American Community since 1902, and is currently published twice a month, every 2nd and 4th Friday. Many of the readers are Americans with Japanese descent.

Soy Source is the Japanese language newspaper read by about 15,000 Japanese native population in the greater Seattle area and it’s published once a month, every 4th Friday.

Use the application form below to apply and pay for classified ads.

Classified Ads Rate

Our Classified rate is $12 monthly for 60 characters (including space) for English posting. North American Post is  published twice a month, so your advertisement will run in two issues and once a month for Soy source with the monthly rate . Bold font is additional $24 monthly for postings up to 300 characters, and $36 monthly for 300~600 characters. If you wish to post classified article more than 600 characters, please contact classified@napost.com.

If you want us to translate your English article in Japanese, translation fee is $30 for an article up to 300 characters and $50 for longer.

How to Pay

Please apply and pay with your credit card with the APPLICATION FORM below. If you set “Scheduled Period” longer than 1 month, we will charge your credit card monthly until the end of the scheduled period.

If you have any questions, please contact classified@napost.com.


After you submit this form, our classified team will email you back within 24 business hours.

If your posting is non-profit purpose, posting up to 100 Japanese characters or 200 English characters may be free under the category of Meetups, Community Board or Volunteer Opportunities. Please contact classified@napost.com.
If your posting is non-profit purpose, posting up to 100 Japanese characters or 200 English characters may be free under the category of Volunteer or Other. Please contact classified@napost.com.
Prices are monthly fees, to run your ad in 2 issues. If your article is more than 600 characters, please contact classified@napost.com.
If you chose more than one month, we will automatically charge your credit card monthly for the scheduled period. You can always cancel and stop the monthly payment without cancelation fee, by contacting classified@napost.com.
We use Stripe (https://stripe.com) as online credit card payment platform.