Shichi Go San (7-5-3) is a traditional ceremony to appreciate children passing into their middle-childhood. Boys of ages 3 and 5 and girls of ages 3 and 7 may attend the ceremony in festive dress, accompanied by their parents and grandparents. In the old times, when medical treatments were not accessible to many people, infancy was filled with serious challenges and dangers that threatened survival early in life. That is why, at the symbolic age of 3, 5, and 7, their parents and grandparents had a responsibility to report their kids’ safe-growth-so-far to the local deities, Buddhas and the community with the sincere sentiment of Okagesama (thanks to you).
On Nov. 13, the Shichi-Go-San (7-5-3) ceremony will be held at the Seattle Koyasan Buddhist Temple. Kimono Art is providing kimono rental, dressing & photo service at Seattle Koyasan. More information can be found at (206) 325-8811 or