Tacoma Buddhist Temple
Happy New Year, Everyone! 明けましておめでとうございます!
I hope that you all will enjoy some quality time with family and friends in the New Year! The idea I would like everyone to ponder on this coming year of 2025 is “Wisdom and Compassion.” Everyone in the world experiences a type of suffering that universally occurs throughout our lives. We are worried or elated about the outcome of an election. Our sense of being is either validated or shaken.
In progressing into the New Year, I hope we are able to realize that all of us, no matter who we are, experience suffering.goes beyond the mundane inconveniences that often occur, like someone cutting us off the freeway, someone talking over you, someone taking the last of a food item you wanted, etc.
The suffering that Buddha expressed prevents us from fully awakening to reality. This strong sense of “my point of view” and “my reality” is that way of thinking. The suffering of deep anger that rises can cause violence. This results from the suffering or dukkha that we humans all share .
At the same time, Buddha taught us of the constant presence of wisdom and compassion for our benefit. The light of wisdom and the warmth of compassion reaches us even now. In times of sadness and anger, we tend to think of ourselves in the singular. However, when we can confide in a friend, a family member, a therapist or a teacher, and we are open to it, we can receive the loving compassionate care that Buddha taught us.
Let us begin this year looking towards that wisdom and compassion and inspire to continue this year with a deep sense of compassion for all. Namo Amida Butsu.
Rev. Tadao Koyama
1717 S. Fawcett Avenue
Tacoma, WA 98402
(253) 627-1417
Konko Church of Seattle
Congratulations on another year filled with divineblessings. This year we honor the spiritof Rev. Heiki Konko who passed away this summer.Rev. Heiki Konko was afifth-generation descendant of the founderof the Konko Faith, Ikigami Konko Daijin. He served as the principal mediator and leader of the Konko Faith from1991 to 2021.
During his tenure as theprincipal mediator, he led prayer every morning and offered sacred mediation atKonkokyo headquarters in Japan. This dailygoyo, sincere offering of self to fulfill Kami’s Will, was offered seven daysper week and 365 days per year for 30 years. He once described the Konko Faith as “This – the Way of Kami and people– will help Kami and save people”.
In North America,we have been blessed to offer this Way of sacred mediation through the work ofthe eternal divine mediator, Ikigami Konko Daijin, since 1928 when the firstKonko Church in North America (Seattle) was established.Let us practice faith and receive divine blessingsthroughout 2025. Remember that a peaceful world begins with peace within ourhearts.
Rev. Robert Giulietti
Head Ministe rKonko Church of Seattle
1713 South Main Street
Seattle, WA 98144
(206) 325-4498