⚫︎Sat, Aug 10, 5-9 p.m. by the Olympia Chapter, Japanese American Citizens
League. Newlocation — South Puget Sound Community College, Center for Student Success (Bldg 22), 2011 Mottman Rd SW, Olympia. For more info: Reiko Callner (360) 791-3295. https://www.facebook.com/share/tTAS1j9tuDVCyMEX/? mibextid=9l3rBW.
⚫︎Sat, Aug 31, 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.Portland Japanese Garden with paid admission, 611 SW Kingston Ave., Portland. https://japanesegarden.org/events/bon-odori-summer-festival-2024/.▪️Artisans of Edo, Japanese Prints & Garments – now through Aug 31. Seattle Japanese Garden, Tateuchi Community Room. Artisans of Edo is an exhibit that portrays the livelihood of the artisans from the Edo period. The prints come from a series of reproductions created in the 1920s by publisher Nippon Gasui-sha. See: https://www.seattlejapanesegarden.org/events.
▪️“Puyallup Assembly Center” Remembrance Gallery Community Opening – Sat, Aug.17, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. See the new gallery before it opens to the public. The permanent gallery lists the 7,600 names of those temporarily incarcerated on the fairgrounds during World War II in 1942 (later moved to permanent concentration camps). Experience interactive histories and view a replica horse stall where families were forced to live. Must RSVP at: https://forms.gle/fVsGbPLwCGD1x4 8. For more information, see: https://puyallupvalleyjacl.org/gallery/.
▪️Bellevue International Festival – Sat, Aug 17, 12:30-4:30 p.m. at Crossroads Park, Bellevue. Family-friendly activities, performances, food trucks and a fire engine tour. For more information, contact: Eric Mercado, emercado@bellevuewa.gov.
▪️Silent Fallout film (2003,81 mins.) – Mon, Aug 19, 12 p.m., free. University of Washington, Quaternary Research Center, Johnson Hall, Room 377A. Director Hideaki Ito will review Americans’ radiation exposure from the atomic bomb testing in the 1950s.
▪️Princess Mononoke film — Tue, Aug 20, 7 p.m. at Vashon Theatre, 17723 Vashon Hwy SW, Vashon. Last film for the Mukai Studio Ghibli Festival. For more information,see: mukaifarmandgarden.org.
▪️Arson Restoration and Building Fund — Sun, Aug 25, 1:10 p.m., Seattle Mariners v. San Francisco Giants baseball game. $5 of every ticket sold for this game will be contributed to the Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple. Order tickets at: https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/Seattlebetsuinxn7qzdxxjh.
▪️Summerfest – Sun, Aug 25, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Kawabe Memorial House, 221 –18th Ave S, Seattle. https://kawabehouse.org/ or see Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/events/1594654537726229/?ref=newsfeed.
▪️Summer Thunder – Taiko, Sun, Aug 25, 1 p.m. Kubota Garden, 9817 55th Ave S, Seattle. https://kubotagarden.org/.