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Japan Launches Worldwide PR Campaign for Tohoku Tourism

The Japanese government has decided to promote Tohoku tourism throughout the world.

Spending about 1 billion yen from the Tohoku recovery budget, the campaign will create more television and video feature programs as well as invitation tours for media and travel agencies.

According to the Japan Tourism Agency, the numbers of foreign travelers who stayed in hotels last year was over 66 million, which was up 260% from 2015. But those 2015 numbers in Tohoku, which includes six prefectures, were only up one percent from 2010.

The Japanese government wants to bring one million tourists to the region by 2020.

The campaign has already begun and can be seen on some U.S. television programs. The government also plans to invite 500 representatives from the media and various travel agencies in order to further publicize Tohoku.

Hakuho wins 37th Grand Sumo Title

Yokozuna Hakuho won the Grand Sumo Tournament in May, increasing his total number of titles to 37. The legendary wrestler finished with an unbeaten 15-0 record, improving his winning streak to 28 since the tournament that he won in March.

Ozeki Kisenosato was unbeaten until the 13th day in the hunt for his first title but finished with two disappointing losses in his last two matches.

Hakuho improved his winning record to 893 in the Makuuchi (highest) stage, which is the most in history. His total win record is just 13 shy of 1,000. Former Ozeki Kaio holds the total win record of 1,047, just two above the former Yokozuna Chiyonofuji.


Ichiro reaches 10 hits, Darvlsh to Return 

Ichiro Suzuki of the Miami Marlins marked 10 hits in three games from last Saturday to Monday. He is only 40 hits shy of his 3,000th career hit in the big leagues as of Monday.

The 42-year-old marked four hits both Saturday and Monday. After swinging 0-5 on Tuesday, his batting average is still .385 in 65 at bats in 35 games. He also reached 1,278 hits in Japan.

Japanese pitcher Darvish Yu of the Texas Rangers will pitch on Saturday against the Pittsburgh Pirates, his first appearance since his elbow surgery last year.

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The North American Post is a community newspaper that celebrates Japanese culture in the Greater Seattle area. Founded by 1st generation Japanese-Americans in 1902, the publication is one of the oldest minority-owned newspapers in the region. Today, with bilingual articles in English and Japanese, the publication connects readers with diverse cultural backgrounds to Seattle’s Japanese community. Our articles include local news, event calendars, restaurant reviews, Japanese cooking recipes, community interviews, and more.